
Adiona Platform Update - Feb 2023

March 6, 2025

This is some text inside of a div block.

Here are the latest updated for release in March 2023. They are currently available on your SANDBOX environment and we suggest you check them out before the release in mid-March. This is your first notification and we will follow up with further knowledgebase tutorials and videos before release.

Major Changes:

1) Unique Vehicles Per Zone

You can now specify a different transport mode for each zone, and also unique depots per zone. For example, you could have a zone/depot pair for your trucks and a different one for your vans and yet others for bicycles or walkers. Combined with our existing depot allocation and routing features, this now gives you all of the building blocks for advanced simulations of multimodal hub and spoke networks. Check out this demo video and try it out with the new CSV templates available on your upload page.

You must set the Unique Vehicles per Zone flag to be true on the upload page of API. Refer to the latest API documentation.

2) Cloning an input data set.

You no longer need to upload the same dataset multiple times from CSV if you want to run it with different settings. Simply click the "Clone Scenario" button on your input page to create a fresh copy of the dataset.

3) Add or delete stops dynamically on the Optimized page.

You can use the +Stops button on each zone heading to add new stops to a previously optimized dataset. You can keep predefined scenarios, e.g. a "Monday" template for your repeating customers and simply merge in the new ad hocs for the day to optimize them in.

Did an order get canceled or you want to push it to a different day? On the timeline (only), you can now delete stops from the entire dataset.

Note: There is no "undo" feature in this version, so use this with caution. If needed, you can re-add stops using the feature described above.

4) Custom amount of quantity dimensions on the Upload page.

The API and CSV allow you a nearly unlimited number of Dx dimensions such as weight, volume, pallet fraction, box count...basically whatever you want. Now they will be dynamically displayed on the Upload and Optimized pages depending on depending on your preferences.

Minor Changes:

1) Set the last stop of a re-sequenced route.

In addition to being able to set the first stop of a route when you resequence it, you can now set the last stop in the same way. Note that if you set Return to Depot as true, it will make this stop the next to last stop and the final stop will remain the depot.

2) Improved filtering on the Input Page.

You can now use quotes to filter specific values, e.g., "0".

3) The Input page now indicates when you have unsaved changes.

4) Transport mode per zone is indicated by cute little icons!

Bug Fixes:

1) Editing the weights on the Input page works properly now.

2) Shifts with days other than "day" and "night" work properly now.